Vitamina C Liposomal para Niño. 30 caps
Liposomal Vitamin C for Kids (125 mg)
Soy Free
GMO Free
Gluten Free
It's probably no surprise to you... kids need vitamin C just as much as you do, maybe even more.
If you're a parent or a grandparent, you know how challenging it can be to get kids to eat the right types of foods, especially vegetables. This can put them at risk for low vitamin C levels.
Children's immune health gets tested year-round, so their developing immune cells especially need adequate supplies of vitamin C. Healthy individuals typically have high concentrations of vitamin C in their immune cells.
However, support for their healthy immune function isn't the only reason kids need vitamin C. Vitamin C is needed for the growth and development of your child's body and mind. it's essential for the formation of:
» Neurotransmitters and other important brain and nervous system chemicals
» Collagen, blood vessels, muscle, ligaments, cartilage, skin and other tissues
» Carnitine for energy production as it transports fatty acids into the mitochondria to produce energy and carries out toxic wastes
» Children who may be exposed to secondhand smoke need even more vitamin C to help repair damage from smoke inhalation and exposure
For all these reasons (and plenty more), I formulated Liposomal Vitamin C for Kids in a dosage level just right for them.
Why liposomal? Advanced liposomal technology utilizes phospholipids to help transport the vitamin C molecules across their gut membrane for enhanced bioavailability potential.
Plus, phospholipids help reduce the possibility of gastrointestinal distress associated with traditional oral vitamin C, a bonus for all ages!
Dr. Mercola's Liposomal Vitamin C for Kids contains the same outstanding formula as this Liposomal Vitamin C, only a smaller 125-mg dose in a tiny capsule that’s perfect for children 4 years and older. Order your child’s supply today!